We are the Young Researchers Network (YRN), an official entity within the European Community Studies Association-Canada (ECSA-C YRN).
Since 2004, the YRN has represented young scholars of European Studies in Canada, holding conferences and co-organized panels at the ECSA-C Biennial Meetings, facilitating the integration of students’ paper presentations into general conference panels, and generally promoting professional and academic networking.
The YRN:
connects young researchers in the European Studies field across Canada,
encourages innovation and knowledge-sharing,
promotes a multidisciplinary approach for the Network’s activities,
provide opportunities to young scholars to present and hone their research,
organizes essay contests, debates, webinars, and other events,
generates partnerships and connections with other institutions in the European
studies field to provide the YRN members with networking opportunities.

Our priorities and goals moving forward fall under the following three themes:
Promote and Profile the Network
Build out a strong and engaging social media platform for the Network.
Organize thematic panel discussions that involve renowned keynote speakers.
Build institutional relationships and ensure that our Network is made visible to students across Canada.
2. ​Build a Sense of Community
Encourage satellite communities across Canada and Europe, with informal representatives.
Create a platform for young scholars to share their research.
Create a single online space where young researchers can find out about and pursue said opportunities.
3. Advocate for Interdisciplinary Research
Minimize research silos and advocate for the integration of interdisciplinary research studies
Encourage young scholars from various fields to join, so long as their research has a major European component; for example, researchers in History, Political and other Social Sciences, Cultural and Regional Studies, as well as fields from Natural Sciences and STEM studies, etc.
The biennial ECSA-C Conference enables the YRN members to meet and discuss research ideas.
The YRN offers its members electronic resources for information exchange, and announcements on academic events and job opportunities.
The YRN is a valuable networking tool that assists its members in their professional development.
In previous years, young scholars presented research findings at the ECSA-C conferences and have published in the Canadian Journal of European and Russian Studies (CJERS) – an electronic journal of the Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies.
The YRN increases visibility of young Canadian researchers. For example, the YRN collaborates with the EUCAnet, the Canadian database of experts in the field of European Studies, providing master and doctoral students with an opportunity to be included in the database
Interested? Use the form below to become an official YRN Member!
Requirements of membership:
Be an undergraduate, graduate student, postgraduate (doctoral level), or postdoc currently affiliated with a Canadian university.
Be enrolled in a program or conduct research related to the European Community or any aspect of European Studies. (We welcome a wide range of fields and disciplines!)