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MAY 8-10, 2014


The 10th ECSA-C biennial conference was hosted by the Université de Montréal and held in Montreal on 8-10 May 2014. The conference theme was “Europe and Peace.” For complete, up-to-date information on the event, please visit the event webpage at the Montréal EUCE (European Centre of Excellence) website:


Panel 1A: Peace Inside, Peace Outside: The European Union from Crisis to Peacemaking.
Sociology of a European Peace Model in the Making


Franck Petiteville (Institut d’études politiques de Grenoble), Do Europeans (really) prefer Norms over Force?

Anne Bazin (Sciences Po Lille, Université Lille 2), Sara Dezalay (Sciences Po Lille, Université Lille 2), Charles Tenenbaum (Sciences Po Lille, Université Lille 2), Learning Peace, Making Peace. A Sociology of Peace Practitioners within and Around European Institutions

Clara Egger (Institut d’études politiques de Grenoble), Dorly Castaneda (World Bank), Learning by Doing, Legitimacy by Action.
 Assessing the Impact of the EU Experiences in Afghanistan and in Somalia on the Development of a European Model of Crisis-Management

Niklas Bremberg (Stockholm University), The European Union as Security Community-building Institution: Venues, Networks and the De-territorialization of Security

Panel 1B: The Impact of EU Membership on East European States


Martin Dangerfield (University of Wolverhampton), Visegrad States’ Trade with Russia: The Impact of EU Membership

Svet Derderyan (University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill), The Role of NGOs in Fighting Corruption in Bulgaria Before and After the EU Accession

Alena Sobotova (CEVIPOL, Université libre de Bruxelles), Une communauté de presse en train de naître ? Les correspondants des nouveaux Etats membres vus par les anciens

Cem Utku Duyulmus (McGill University), The (Re)Design of the EU Pre-Accession Aid: A new Approach with Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA)?



Panel 1C: The Legitimation of Regional Integration: Comparing Europe and the Americas


John Sutcliffe (University of Windsor), Criticisms and Conspiracies: Competing Views of Regional Integration in Europe and North America

Achim Hurrelmann (Carleton University), Steffen Schneider (University of Munich/University of Bremen), Is North American Regionalism Less Politicized than European Integration? Evidence from Focus Groups

Francesco Duina (University of British Columbia), Jared Bok (Emory University), Sub-national Movements and the Politicization of NAFTA and the EU



Panel 1D: Crisis and Institutional Change in Regional Integration


Sabine Saurugger (Sciences Po Grenoble, IUF), Fabien Terpan (Sciences Po Grenoble), Comparative Regional Integration Approaches and Institutional Change

Kevin Parthenay (Sciences Po Paris, CERI), A Latin American Regional Dynamic Oblivious of Periods of Crisis: Incremental Institutional Change

Axel Huelsemeyer (Concordia University, Montréal), The Transformation of Germany’s Position in the EU Through the Crisis

Céline Belot (PACTE Grenoble), Isabelle Guinaudeau (PACTE Grenoble), Economic Crisis, Crisis of Support? How Macro-economic Performance Shapes Citizens’ Support for the EU (1986-2013)

Panel 2B: Peace and Security in the EU


Lina Grip (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute), The Performance of the EU in External Nuclear Non-proliferation Assistance



Panel 2C: Gendering the EU’s ‘Neoliberal Project’


Heather MacRae (York University), Elaine Weiner (McGill University), Abandon Ship!: The Gendered Wreckage of the Economic and Financial Crises in the EU

Sophie Jacquot (Université Catholique de Louvain), Vers un devenir symbolique de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes ? Le démantèlement de la politique d’égalité de l’Union européenne



Panel 2D: European Political Institutions


Lauren K. Perez (University of Pittsburgh), John Scherpereel (James Madison University), The Effects of Ministerial Turnover on the Vertical Articulation of Power in the Council of the EU

Ken Takeda (Waseda University), The Use of Coercive Threats in EU Intergovernmental Negotiations

Stéphanie Novak (Hertie School of Governance, Berlin), Transparency as Organized Hypocrisy? The case of the EU Legislative Process

Panel 3A: Pivotal Partners: The Future of the Euro-American Alliance


Ruben Zaiotti (EUCE, Dalhousie University), Beyond Transatlantial: Europe, North America, and the Globalization of Homeland Security

Kristian L. Nielsen, Lea Kahlke Hansen (Copenhagen Business School), EU Strategic Culture and the 2011 Libya War



Panel 3B: L’Union européenne comme acteur de paix au sud et à l’est de la Méditerranée: Une vocation en crise?

Tanguy de Wilde d’Estmael (Université Catholique de Louvain), L’UE et la Syrie : une impossible gestion de crise?

Elena Aoun (Université Catholique de Louvain, Mons), L’UE face à la crise des réfugiés syriens au Liban et en Jordanie: la mitigation des effets comme instrument de prévention des conflits?



Panel 3C: Decision-making and Compliance in the EU


Robert Csehi (Central European University), Understanding the Dynamics of Intergovernmental Relations in Canada – Lessons from the EU’s ‘New Intergovernmentalism’

Merli Tamtik (York University), The European Commission – A Policy Catalyst for Regional Governance in the Area of Research



Panel 3D: Governing Migration and Integration Beyond the Nation-State

Willem Maas (York University), Multilevel Citizenship in Europe and Canada

Oliver Schmidtke (University of Victoria), Governing Migration in Federal States: The Role of the Sub-national Level of Governance in Canada and Germany

Alexander Gunn (University of Victoria), The European Union’s Influence on Catalonia’s Immigration and Integration Policy



Panel 3E: Assessing the Politicization of the European Project


Virginie Van Ingelgom (Université Catholique de Louvain), Assessing the Depoliticization of European Citizens in a More Politicized Union

Laurie Beaudonnet (Université de Montréal), Alter-Europeans: Towards a Politicization of Attitudes Towards Europe

Panel 4A: Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Equality in the EU


Ahmed Hamila (Université de Montréal), La gestion de la diversité ethnique par l’Union européenne : les trois processus du changement

Jule Mulder (University of Leicester), The National Courts’ Adoption of the European Equality Framework

Melanie H. Ram (California State University, Fresno), Europeanization and Discrimination: The Unintended Consequences of the EU’s Ethnic Equality Regime



Panel 4D: Domestic Politics and the Eurozone Crisis 

Valerie D’Erman (University of Victoria), Social Dialogue after the Crisis?

Harry Nedelcu (Carleton University), Disturbing the Peace: A Typology of European Anti-Establishment Political Parties in the 21st Century

Ebru Turhan (Sabanci University), Europe’s Constrained Leader: Germany’s Central Role in the Euro Crisis and Its Implications for Turkey’s EU Bid



Panel 4E: European Monetary Union and the Eurozone Crisis

Alison Johnston (Oregon State University), Comparative Institutional Advantage in the European Sovereign Debt Crisis

Amy Verdun (University of Victoria), Assem Dandashly (Maastricht University), The Baltic States in the Mid of the Crises. A Comparative Perspective

Philip Giurlando (Trent University), Splendid Isolation: The UK’s Rejection of the Euro

Panel 5A: The EU as an External Democratization Actor in Europe: Rhetoric and Practice


Ron Holzhacker (University of Groningen), Marek Neuman (University of Groningen), Framing the Debate: The Evolution of the European Union as an External Democratization Actor

Marek Neuman (University of Groningen), The External Democratization Efforts of a Union of Twenty-Eight: Breaking with the Past?

Senka Neuman Stanivukovic (University of Groningen, University of New York in Prague), Territoriality in-between of Europeanization and Democratization: To What Extent is the EU a Democracy Promoter in the Western Balkans?



Panel 5C: L’action extérieure de l’UE

Luis N. González (University of Salamanca), Le Service européen pour l’action extérieure à l’heure de son épreuve: une contribution renforcée de l’UE au maintien de la paix?

Jean-Denis Mouton (Université de Lorraine), L’action extérieure de l’Union européenne: nouvelle forme de puissance ou forme d’impuissance?



Panel 5D: The EU and Human Rights

Larisa Deriglazova (Tomsk University), EU Impact on Human Rights Development in Russia, 1992-2012

Tobias Lock (University of Edinburgh), Integration through Human Rights?

Panel 6B: The EU and the Western Balkans


Edward Moxon-Browne (University of Limerick), The European Union as as Peacemaker in the Western Balkans: The Case of Ethnic Conflict in the Republic of Macedonia

Paulina SzelÄ…g (Jagiellonian University in Krakow), The Role of Transatlantic Cooperation in Attempts to Resolve Kosovo Crisis



Panel 6C: Political Risk and Corruption in Comparative Perspectives


Francisco Beltran (Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto), The European Commission – A Policy Catalyst for Regional Governance in the Area of Research



Panel 6D: Democratic Deficit after the Eurozone Crisis

Marcel Sangsari (Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada), The European Citizens’ Initiative: An Early Assessment of the European Union’s New Participatory Democracy Instrument

Christine Neuhold, Anna-Lena Hoegenauer (Maastricht University), More Bureaucracy Instead of Democracy? The EU at an Unrepresentative Turn?

Anthony Weber (Université Laval), Le système décisionnel européen engagerait-il un processus de déparlementarisation ?







The European Community Studies Association - Canada (Association d'Etudes sur la Communauté Européenne - Canada) is the leading professional association for European integration studies in Canada.

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